Oriental influences, design made in Italy.
The decorative motifs typical of Chinese art meet the
rational Italian style giving life to a unique entrance.
Shanghai knows how to interpret opposite cultural styles
with the warm shades of burnished copper
Influences orientale, design made in Italy.
Les motifs décoratifs typiques de l'art chinois rencontrent
le style rationnel italien donnant vie à une entrée unique.
Shanghai sait interpréter des styles culturel opposés avec
les tons chauds du cruivre bruni.
Influenze orientali, design made in Italy.
I motivi decorativi tipici dell'arte cinese incontrano
lo stile razionale italiano dando vita a un ingresso
irripetibile. Shangai sa interpretare stili culturali
opposti con le calde sfumature del rame brunito.
–ES design