for Private Residences
Da quarant’anni Artep collabora con architetti,
studi e designer internazionali nella realizzazione
di progetti per tappeti e pavimentazioni tessili
bespoke per l’arredamento di residenze private.
Progetti realizzati con il coinvolgimento di clienti
e interior designer, dando vita a manufatti senza
limiti di dimensioni, forme, colori, disegni,
materiali, o tecniche per la produzione quali
l’annodatura e l’hand-tufting. Fin dalle prime fasi
ideative del processo creativo, Artep coinvolge il
cliente con simulazioni grafiche realizzate ad hoc.
Artep has collaborated for the past forty years
with international designers and architects to
create bespoke carpets and textile flooring for
home decoration. Clients and interior designers
are involved in the project in order to make rugs
of every size, shape, colour, texture, design and
material, as well as with different techniques such
as hand-knotting and hand-tufting. Artep can involve
its clients by showing virtual simulation from the
concept through the whole design process.
Rugs Studio