Arcahorn Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Arcahorn: Catalogue 2022, page 159 of 164

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Mod. 1782
Mod. 6065
Mod. 5222
Mod. 6066
Mod. 4740
Mod. 1295
Mod. 1725
Mod. 4741
Mod. 1436
Mod. 5101
Mod. 1437
Mod. 2332
Mod. 1035
Mod. 1434
Mod. 5107
Mod. 2320
Mod. 2323
Mod. 4721
Mod. 1432S
Mod. 1432C
Mod. 1433S
Mod. 4725
Mod. 5102
Pliant con vassoio in corno, legno
laccato lucido colore avorio e acciaio.
cm 70 x 46 x H cm 77
Carrello in essenza rovere ebanizzato
con ruote anti graffio. Manici in corno
opaco ed elementi in ottone brunito.
cm 118 x 54 x H cm 82
Pliant con vassoio in corno, ebano
glossy e ottone placcato oro 24k.
cm 70 x 46 x H cm 77
Vassoio in corno opaco ed essenza
rovere ebanizzato.
cm 50 x 25 x H cm 4
Carrello in ebano glossy con ruote
anti graffio. Manici in corno ed
elementi in ottone placcato oro 24K.
cm 118 x 54 x H cm 82
Pliant con vassoio in corno scuro,
legno laccato lucido colore nero e
cm 70 x 46 x H cm 77
Lampada da tavolo in ottone placcato
oro 24K bulinato a mano e inserti
in corno diamantati. Paralume in
shantung colore avorio.
cm 40 x 40 x H cm 64
Carrello in legno laccato lucido colore
nero con ruote anti graffio. Manici in
corno scuro ed elementi in ottone
cm 118 x 54 x H cm 82
Servomuto con struttura in legno laccato
lucido colore nero e inserti in corno scuro.
Profili in acciaio con viti a vista, portascarpe e
portapantaloni in acciaio. Vuotatasche in acciaio
con interno in pelle saffiano colore nero.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Servomuto con struttura e base in pelle Tosca
(cat. Super), colore testa di moro con inserti in
corno opaco, ottone brunito e viti a vista in ottone
placcato oro 24K. Portascarpe e portapantaloni in
ottone brunito, vuotatasche in corno opaco.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Servomuto con struttura in legno laccato lucido
colore avorio e inserti in corno. Profili in acciaio
con viti a vista, portascarpe e portapantaloni in
acciaio. Vuotatasche in acciaio con interno in pelle
saffiano colore avorio.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Portaombrelli con struttura in acciaio
canna di fucile e vaschetta in legno
laccato lucido colore nero con inserti
in corno scuro. Vaschetta interna
estraibile in vetro.
cm 20 x 20 x H cm 70
Set camino con struttura in acciaio,
manici e base in corno. Attrezzi in
metallo verniciato.
cm 14 x 13 x H cm 65
Portaombrelli con struttura in acciaio
e vaschetta in legno laccato lucido
colore nero con inserti in corno
scuro. Vaschetta interna estraibile
in vetro.
cm 20 x 20 x H cm 70
Portaombrelli con struttura in ottone
brunito e vaschetta in legno laccato
opaco colore nero con inserti in
corno opaco. Vaschetta interna
estraibile in vetro.
cm 20 x 20 x H cm 70
Servomuto con struttura in pelle Tosca (cat. Super),
colore nero con inserti in corno scuro. Base in pelle
colore nero con profili in corno scuro. Portascarpe
e portapantaloni in ottone canna di fucile.
Vuotatasche in ottone canna di fucile.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Appendiabiti con struttura in pelle Tosca (cat.
Super), colore nero. Pomelli in corno scuro e ottone
canna di fucile. Base in pelle colore nero con profili
in corno scuro.
cm 33 x 33 x H cm 180
Appendiabiti con struttura
in ebano glossy e inserti
in corno. Base e pomelli in
ottone placcato oro 24K.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Appendiabiti con struttura
in legno laccato lucido
colore nero e inserti
in corno scuro. Base e
pomelli in ottone cromato.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Appendiabiti con struttura
in legno laccato lucido
colore avorio e inserti in
corno. Base e pomelli in
ottone cromato.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Appendiabiti con struttura
in legno laccato lucido
colore nero e inserti in
corno scuro. Base e pomelli
in ottone placcato oro 24K.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Servomuto con struttura in ebano glossy e inserti
in corno. Portascarpe e portapantaloni in ottone
placcato oro 24K. Vuotatasche in ottone placcato
oro 24K con interno in pelle saffiano colore nero.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Appendiabiti con struttura in pelle Tosca (cat.
Super), colore testa di moro. Pomelli in corno
opaco e ottone brunito. Base in pelle colore testa
di moro con profilo in ottone brunito e viti a vista in
ottone placcato oro 24K.
cm 33 x 33 x H cm 180
Butlers serving table with tray in
horn, wood with lacquered ivory
gloss finish and stainless steel.
cm 70 x 46 x H cm 77
Trolley in black oak veneer with
rubber wheels. Handles in matte
horn and burnished brass detailing.
cm 118 x 54 x H cm 82
Butlers serving table with tray in
horn, glossy ebony and 24k gold
plated brass.
cm 70 x 46 x H cm 77
Tray in matte horn and black oak
cm 50 x 25 x H cm 4
Trolley in glossy ebony with rubber
wheels. Handles in horn and 24K
gold plated brass detailing.
cm 118 x 54 x H cm 82
Butlers serving table with tray in dark
horn, wood with lacquered black
gloss finish and stainless steel.
cm 70 x 46 x H cm 77
Table lamp in hand engraved 24K
gold plated brass and raised horn
inlays. Lampshade in ivory shantung.
cm 40 x 40 x H cm 64
Trolley in wood with lacquered black
gloss finish with rubber wheels.
Handles in dark horn and chromed
brass detailing.
cm 118 x 54 x H cm 82
Wardrobe valet. Structure in wood with lacquered
black gloss finish and dark horn inlays. Stainless
steel edging with exposed screws. Stainless
steel shoe rack and trouser bar. Catch-all tray in
stainless steel lined with black saffiano leather.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Wardrobe valet in Tosca leather (cat. Super), dark
brown colour. Base in leather with matte horn inlays
and burnished brass edging with exposed screws
in 24K gold plated brass. Burnished brass shoe rack
and trouser bar. Catch-all tray in matte horn.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Wardrobe valet. Structure in wood with lacquered
ivory gloss finish and horn inlays. Stainless steel
edging with exposed screws. Stainless steel shoe
rack and trouser bar. Catch-all tray in stainless
steel lined with ivory saffiano leather.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Umbrella stand. Structure in
gunmetal stainless steel. Base
in wood with lacquered black
gloss finish and dark horn inlays.
Removable glass tray.
cm 20 x 20 x H cm 70
Fireplace set. Stainless steel
structure. Handles and base in horn.
Tools in painted metal.
cm 14 x 13 x H cm 65
Umbrella stand. Structure in stainless
steel. Base in wood with lacquered
black gloss finish and dark horn
inlays. Removable glass tray.
cm 20 x 20 x H cm 70
Umbrella stand. Structure in
burnished brass. Base in matte
black lacquered wood with
matte horn inlays.
Removable glass tray.
cm 20 x 20 x H cm 70
Wardrobe valet in Tosca leather (cat. Super),
black colour with dark horn inlays. Base in black
leather with edging in dark horn. Gunmetal
brass shoe rack and trouser bar. Catch-all tray in
gunmetal brass.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Coat stand. Structure in Tosca leather (cat. Super),
black colour. Hooks in dark horn and gunmetal
brass. Base in black leather with edging in dark
cm 33 x 33 x H cm 180
Coat stand. Structure in
glossy ebony with horn
inlays. Base and hooks in
24K gold plated brass.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Coat stand. Structure in
wood with lacquered black
gloss finish with dark horn
inlays. Base and hooks in
chromed brass.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Coat stand. Structure in
wood with lacquered ivory
gloss finish with horn
inlays. Base and hooks in
chromed brass.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Coat stand. Structure in
wood with lacquered black
gloss finish with dark horn
inlays. Base and hooks in
24K gold plated brass.
cm 30 x 30 x H cm 185
Wardrobe valet. Structure in glossy ebony with
horn inlays. 24K gold plated brass shoe rack and
trouser bar. Catch-all tray in 24K gold plated brass
lined with black saffiano leather.
cm 47 x 30 x H cm 142
Coat stand. Structure in Tosca leather (cat. Super),
dark brown colour. Hooks in matte horn and
burnished brass. Base in dark brown leather with
burnished brass edging and exposed screws in
24K gold plated brass.
cm 33 x 33 x H cm 180
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini
Design Filippo Dini