Annibale Colombo Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Annibale Colombo: Masters of Handcrafted Passion, page 7 of 130

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The great passion for woodwork of the Colombo family
began in 1812. Filippo Colombo founded the company
opening a workshop in the heart of Brianza, set amid its
beautiful hills and lulled by the Lake of Como.
These were years of booming handcraft activities in our
territory and we began our journey crafting furniture for
the Milanese upper-class, who had fallen in love with
seventeenth-century French refi nement.
Skills and experience were kept in the family and passed
on from one generation to the next. The fi rst written
document to offi cially attest the handcraft activity of the
family was signed by the local magistrate and dates back
to the early years of 1900.
The story continued and reached more recent times.
The workshop was small and new spaces were needed:
demand kept rising and had to be met. We chose a large
area because we wanted to set our company inside a park:
we did not want to do without beautiful surroundings.
Afra and Tobia Scarpa were commissioned to design the
8,000-square metre facility in Novedrate that has hosted
the headquarters of ANNIBALE COLOMBO since 1972.
Signature of Giuseppe Colombo, son of Carlo, 1897
Permit by the “podestà”, the local magistrate, 1926
The family of Annibale Colombo
A love story
A small workshop founded in 1812.