Annibale Colombo Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Annibale Colombo: Masters of Handcrafted Passion, page 58 of 130

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Every item of furniture made by Annibale Colombo
is designed to fit the chromatic characteristics of the
interiors it is meant for. Through particular methods
such as staining, paint stripping and sanding we give
the desired aspect to any type of wood.
The cherry wood of a boiserie can be lightened up to
enhance the daylight in a dining room; a table made of
dark ebony suitable for an interior can be whitened to fit
the Provençal look of an outdoor setting.
The influence of colour on the senses and on the
perception of proportions and warmth is an essential
aspect in site-specific projects, granting harmony and
Setting the tone
The right colour for the right environment.