Annibale Colombo Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Annibale Colombo: Masters of Handcrafted Passion, page 122 of 130

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NEW QUADRO LETTO / BED | h. 140 cm – l/w 249 cm – p/d 211 cm (Int. cm. 200x200) | cod. G1512
Letto in rovere con testata e giroletto imbottiti. Giroletto con contenitore e rete terapeutica a doghe inclusi.
Oak bed with upholstered headboard and footboard. Frame includes container and mattress support
(wooden slats).
Finitura Col. 73 - Rivestimento pelle “Aurora 14” | Finish Col. 73 - Covering “Aurora 14” leather
NEW QUADRO COMODINO / NIGHT TABLE | h. 68 cm – l/w 51 cm – p/d 47 cm | cod. H1488
Comodino in rovere con pannelli cassetti e piano in pelle.
Oak night table with top and front panels in leather.
Finitura Col. 73 - Rivestimento pelle “Aurora 14” | Finish Col. 73 - Covering “Aurora 14” leather
NEW QUADRO SCRIVANIA / WRITING DESK | h. 75 cm – l/w 150 cm – p/d 75 cm | cod. M1253
Scrivania in ciliegio massiccio ad elementi componibili. Il modulo all’interno del vano è intercambiabile.
Cherry writing desk with modular element. The module of the desk is interchangeable.
Finitura struttura Col. 32 | Frame fi nish Col. 32
NEW QUADRO POLTRONA / ARMCHAIR | h. 100 cm – l/w 59 cm – p/d 64 cm | cod. A1254
Poltrona in ciliegio massiccio.
Armchair in solid cherry wood.
Finitura Col. 32 - Rivestimento tessuto “EME 501/14” | Finish Col. 32 - Covering “EME 501/14” fabric
ORIGAMI LAMPADA / FLOOR LAMP | h. 180 cm – Ø 32 cm | cod. Z1506
Lampada da terra in rovere massiccio. Design Giovanna Azzarello.
Floor lamp in solid oak wood. Design Giovanna Azzarello.
Finitura Col. 73 | Finish Col. 73
NEW QUADRO COMÒ / CHEST OF DRAWERS | h. 90 cm – l/w 140 cm – p/d 60 cm | cod. H1487
Comò in rovere con pannelli cassetti e piano in pelle.
Oak chest of drawers with top and front panels in leather.
Finitura Col. 73 - Rivestimento pelle “Aurora 14” | Finish Col. 73 - Covering “Aurora 14” leather
NEW QUADRO PANCHETTA / BENCH | h. 60 cm – l/w 109 cm – p/d 39 cm | cod. A1489
Panchetta in rovere e ciliegio massiccio.
Bench in solid oak wood and cherry wood.
Finitura Col. 73 - Rivestimento pelle “Aurora 14” | Finish Col. 73 - Covering “Aurora 14” leather
NEW QUADRO LIBRERIA / BOOKCASE | h. 282 cm – l/w 204 cm – p/d 70 cm
cod. L1478 (6x4)-D1495
Libreria ad elementi componibili, realizzata in ciliegio massiccio e speciale multistrato bilanciato
superleggero, con mobile degustazione vini incorporato.
Modular bookcase in solid cherry wood and special extra-light, balanced multilayer,
with incorporated wine cellar.
Finitura cornice esterna Col. 34 - Moduli componibili Col. 34 - Cornice ante e cassetti Col. 34
Pannelli ante e cassetti “Ebano Makassar” C40 Col. 45
External frame fi nish Col. 34 - Modules Col. 34 - Doors and drawers panels Col. 34
Doors and drawers panels “Ebony Makassar” C40 Col. 45
NEW QUADRO LIBRERIA / BOOKCASE | h. 296 cm – l/w 256 cm – p/d 61 cm
cod. W1393 (7x6)-D1494
Libreria ad elementi componibili, realizzata in ciliegio massiccio e speciale multistrato bilanciato superleggero,
con mobile bar incorporato.
Modular bookcase in solid cherry wood and special extra-light, balanced multilayer,
with incorporated bar element.
Finitura cornice esterna Col. 62 - Moduli componibili Col. 62 -v Cornice ante e cassetti Col. 62
Pannelli ante e cassetti C55S Col. 58
External frame fi nish Col. 62 - Modules Col. 62 - Doors and drawers panels Col. 62
Doors and drawers panels C55S Col. 58
NEW QUADRO TAVOLO DA GIOCO / GAMBLING TABLE | h. 78 cm – l/w 90 cm – p/d 90 cm
cod. O1216
Tavolo da gioco in ciliegio massiccio con intarsi citronnier. Piano ribaltabile con un lato pelle
e un lato con panno verde da gioco.
Gambling table in solid cherry wood with citronnier inlays.
Drop leaf (one side with leather and one side with green baize).
Finitura Col. 34 pelle “Shine Ibiscus” | Finish Col. 34 “Shine Ibiscus” leather
NEW QUADRO POLTRONA / ARMCHAIR | h. 90 cm – l/w 57 cm – p/d 58 cm | cod. A1197
Poltrona in ciliegio massiccio.
Armchair in solid cherry wood.
Finitura Col. 34 pelle “Shine Ibiscus” | Finish Col. 34 “Shine Ibiscus” leather
NEW QUADRO LIBRERIA / BOOKCASE | h. 296 cm – l/w 592 cm – p/d 70 cm
cod. W1393-D1495
Libreria ad elementi componibili, realizzata in ciliegio massiccio e speciale multistrato bilanciato superleggero,
con mobili degustazione vini incorporati.
Modular bookcase in solid cherry wood and special extra-light, balanced multilayer,
with incorporated wine cellars.
Finitura “Laccatura a campione” | Fnish “Laquered as per customer sample”