Emery Hinged Door
Of� cinadesign Lema
Elegante e rigoroso Emery
si definisce per la pulizia
formale data dall’assenza
di maniglie a vista, ricavate
nel taglio del profilo metal-
lico che incornicia le ante
in vetro retrolaccato opaco.
Grazie al particolare trat-
tamento, la superficie
dell’anta risulta opaca,
estremamente liscia e
morbida al tatto celando
con discrezione gli interni
in melaminico canvas con
texture ad effetto tessuto
ed elementi in metallo sand.
Disponibile anche con ante
scorrevoli e complanari.
Elegant and exacting, Emery
is distinguished by clean
lines as the handles are not
visible, being cut into the
metal profile that frames
the matt, back-lacquered
glass doors shown on the
following pages in the color
iridio. Thanks to a special
treatment, the surface
of the door takes on a matt
appearance that is extremely
smooth and soft to the
touch, discreetly veiling
the interiors in canvas
melamine with a fabric-like
texture and sand metal
elements. Also available with
sliding and coplanar doors.
Hinged, Sliding,
Coplanar Door