SACCO 9280 - Bean bag limited edition. An italian story… Commedia dell’arte, theatre, cinema….Italian culture creates beautiful stories, one above all: design. We are about to tell you one that celebrated 40 years: it is the story of three creative men and their encounter with an industrial manufacturer. The scenery is under the sign of freedom and the story tells of an object that adapts to the human body, where an inanimate object combines with life and how the spectator’s eye and soul perceive images, fi lms. It is the story written by each of us putting our personal mark on the object created. A story, whose roots delve into large bags full of chestnut leaves in northern Italy, then transforms with polystyrene pellets in Nova Milanese and runs through the world. A story continuing with the protagonist entering the stage with 40 haute couture fabrics to celebrate its birthday. It is a story with 40 pieces for eternal youth, symbol of design. One story, one scene written by Gatti, Paolini, Teodoro and Aurelio Zanotta: the Sacco.