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Catalogue Vitra: Work Spirit 2012, page 75 of 178

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I sometimes wonder though whether we over-complicate things. Many “creative” offi ces have pretty similar arrangements: open plan space

in and old warehouse building with wooden fl oors and high ceilings with windows that open and a communal table for meetings and hanging

out, perhaps a ping-pong table and people can bring their dogs in. If you break it down its pretty simple: natural light, natural materials, space

and air and the domestic touches of the communal table and the kitchen and the dogs. Do we need to think much beyond that?

SP Yes, of course but you can see it as a starting point. One is now talking about companies that
have over 1000 people. So the art is in creating the inspirational and personable spaces for these large numbers.
Architecturally space over your head is really important. If it’s a developer’s building they are just going to
crush it down to gain more fl oors. Architects and developers really do have to think harder about their offerings
as we increasingly have a more demanding, educated workforce, who expect more from their workplaces. The
ability to control their environment is one of them, such as fresh air. It is very noisy in our offi ce in the summer
because we have the windows open, but we would much rather have that than air-conditioning.

In some ways technology has rooted us to the desk because of e-mails.

SP Nothing says that you have to open up your computer and look at your e-mails and reply
instantly. It has invaded our work and private lives and we haven’t got any societal rules to deal with it. One of