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Catalogue Tacchini: TJournal 12 2021, page 23 of 31

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Tacchini T’JOURNAL n°12
Published by Tacchini Italia Forniture
A magazine about DESIGN
Tacchini T’JOURNAL n°12
Published by Tacchini Italia Forniture
A magazine about DESIGN
(Ita) Due zanne protese armoniosamente verso l’esterno. Quattro zampe
ancorate a terra, che trasmettono una sensazione di solidità e potenza.
Un elefante comodo e maestoso, pronto ad accogliere chiunque si fidi di lui.
(Eng) Two tusks extend harmoniously outwards. Four legs anchor the chair to
the ground, conveying a feeling of strength and power. A comfortable
and majestic elephant that is ready to welcome anyone who trusts him.
(cat. Armchair, Ottoman)
Designed by Karen Chekerdjian
Overview p.58