String has always been manufactured in Sweden. Here’s a still unopened box from 1954,
delivered from the factory in Totebo, Småland – where String is still made today.
and accessories have been added over time. Some of them
blueprint ideas from Nisse's archives; others created by
contemporary Swedish designers. Although the system is
endlessly being reinvented as it passes from one generation to
the next, its basic construction – the shelf, the wall panel and
the metal fittings – remain identical to the 1949 original.
String Furniture continues to grow in Europe, the US and Asia,
and is currently sold in 48 countries. Manufacturing still takes
place in Sweden just as in 1949; with the wall panels being made
just a few kilometres away from where the shelves are produced.
From here, everything is packaged and shipped worldwide.
Although Nisse passed away in 2006 and Kajsa in 2017,
their designs are still very much alive and thriving. This year,
String celebrates 75 years and there are still thousands of
combinations to discover.