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Catalogue Slamp: La Traviata by Robert Wilson, page 4 of 18

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LA TRAVIATA, design by Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson (4-10-1941), definito dal The New
York Times come l’artista teatrale più visionario
al mondo, è un avanguardistico direttore teatra-
le, regista e drammaturgo americano. Nell’arco
della sua articolata carriera, lavora anche come
coreografo, performer, pittore, scultore, video
artist e sound/lighting designer. A partire dagli
anni sessanta, le produzioni di Wilson hanno
radicalmente sconvolto in forma ed estetica il
mondo del teatro e dell’opera lirica fino a quel
momento noto. Il suo caratteristico modo di
utilizzare la luce, la continua ricerca sul movi-
mento, il rigore classico del design scenico e
degli allestimenti scelti, articolano, alimentano
e rendono facilmente identificabile la forza e
l’originalità della visione di Robert Wilson. Pro-
ducendo capolavori a cavallo tra le arti, Wilson
intraprende legami e collaborazioni con i più
autorevoli artisti, scrittori, e musicisti interna-
zionali, continuando ad affascinare giorno dopo
giorno il pubblico di tutto il mondo.
Robert Wilson (born October 4, 1941) is an Ame-
rican experimental theater stage director and
playwright who has been described by The New
York Times as the world’s foremost avant-garde
theater artist. Over the course of his wide-ran-
ging career, he has also worked as a choreo-
grapher, performer, painter, sculptor, video ar-
tist, and sound and lighting designer. Since the
late 1960s, Robert Wilson’s productions have
decisively shaped the look of theater and opera.
Through his signature use of light, his investiga-
tions into the structure of simple movement, and
the classical rigor of his scenic and furniture de-
sign, Wilson has continuously articulated the for-
ce and originality of his vision. Wilson’s close ties
and collaborations with leading artists, writers,
and musicians continue to fascinate audiences
Ritratto di Robert Wilson, foto di Yiorgos Kaplanidis
Robert Wilson’s portrait, photo by Yiorgos Kaplanidis

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