Flower ZOOM 60 comfort
plug-in with individual control
Trendy plug-in
Finger plug-in
Ceiling 4 LED plug-in
Flower 35 comfort plug-in
Ceiling 2 LED plug-in
Flower 35 plug-in
Ceiling 2 LED plug-in
Trendy plug-in
Flower ZOOM 60
comfort plug-in
Ceiling 4 LED plug-in
Flower ZOOM 60
IP System® Surface
Highlighter surface
Black anodized extruded aluminium body 1, 2, 3
or 4m long to be fixed on the surface and painted
aluminium side covers.
IP System® Recessed
Highlighter recessed
Black anodized extruded aluminium body 1 or 2m
long. Provided with anodized aluminium housing to be
recessed in plasterboard or Aquapanel® panels.
IP System® Suspended
Highlighter suspended
Black anodized extruded aluminium body 2m long,
painted aluminium side covers and 1,5m adjustable
steel suspension cable. In single-emission version with
Highlighter light directed downwards or in bi-emission
version with Highlighter light directed one down
and one up. The control of the two Highlighters is
S I M E S M A G 0 1
S I M E S M A G 0 1