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Catalogue SIDE: Side catalogue operativo led 2019 11685, page 693 of 738

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19/11/13 11:36
SIDE item 645258 is a interface between a DMX signal generator and the PWM signal to control the Slave SIDE items 645037/S- 645043/S.
The interface gives the possibility to control the connected RGB modules, by creating colour scenes which can be completely programmed.
The electrical wiring diagram shows the use of a DMX control gearcase which has to be used together with the interface; in this way the interface can get
information regarding the DMX active channels through a bus line.
Each interface uses 3 DMX channels to create 3 signals to control the colour (red, green, blue) which are sent to a the Slave module ta control the colour.
The interface has 10 dip-switches. 9 af them are used to set up the DMX channels accarding the binary system and the last one to check that the three Leds
of each module work properly. The X address of the first channel brings the signal to control the red colour. As a consequence the address “X+1” is the DMX
channel to control the green colour. The address ”X+2” then is the DMX channel to control the blue colour.
By using the control gearcase it is possible to make the DMX channels work on the a.m. address and give values from O ta 255 of colour saturation in order to
get different shadings/tones. lt’s possible to get a parallel connection between max. 20 interfaces (item 645258] without regenerating the DMX signal, but paying
a great attention not to use the same channels programmed on the previous interface. Each interface can control till 99 Slaves 645037/S interconnected with a
little cable supplied (Slave In-Slave Out]. See the electrical wiring diagrams for the max. number of fittings that can be connected to the single Slave.
Such devices are used for fittings with power Led fed by continuous current and for power Leds 24V according to which Slave is used
(see the electrical wiring diagrams).
Each Slave has to be fed by 24Vdc tension and in parallel it has to be fed the interface 645258 that absorbs around 1W (max. current 40mA].
As already described a control gearcase has to be added to the system. SIDE proposes a recessed model which can generate four programs already set by the
supplier and to program the other scenes by planning the beginning of the cycle and the operating time, the colour saturation, the fading between a tone and
the following one (information have to be asked to our technical department).
The interface then can get the DMX signal from an USB/DMX shunt connected with a PC that uses a proper RGB programming software.
As alternative there is a USB/DMX shunt with memory where the information created by the software with the PC have to be loaded and where the signal of the
USB/DMX interface has to be launched.