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Catalogue Shake Design: Unique modern design, page 29 of 70

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Nella pagina precedente e
in queste: cabina armadio
Freedom con ante in vetro,
comò Prism rivestito in marmo,
panca Prism in metallo e pelle,
tappeto Infinity, parquet Tiwi
in legno. On the previous
and on the following pages:
Freedom wardrobe with glass
doors, Prism chest of drawers
covered with marble, Prism
bench with metal and leather,
Infinity carpet, Tiwi wooden
Cabina armadio Freedom, struttura T49 cenere, ante senza
telaio in vetro bronzo, particolari in metallo bronzo chiaro e
maniglioni ottone brunito. Attrezzata con cassettiere in legno
e tubi porta-abiti, illuminazione integrata a led. Dimensioni:
L369 x P62 x H250 cm. Comò Prism rivestito interamente in
marmo Grigio Imperiale, interni legno T49 cenere, maniglie in
metallo bronzo chiaro. Dimensioni: L162 x P52 x H77,5 cm.
Lampada Weve da tavolo in ottone brunito. Dimensioni: H36,5
Freedom wardrobe, structure in T49 cenere, bronze glass
doors without frame, light bronze metal details and handles
in burnished brass. Equipped with wooden drawers and metal
coat-hangers, integrated led lighting. Dimensions: W369 x
D62 x H250 cm. Prism chest of drawers covered with Grigio
Imperiale marble, wooden interiors T49 cenere, light bronze
metal handles. Dimensions: W162 x D52 x H77,5 cm. Weve
table lamp in burnished brass. Dimensions: H36,5 cm.