Shake Design Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Shake Design: Unique modern design, page 26 of 70

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In queste pagine: comò Frame
in legno, metallo e pelle,
tappeto Infinity, parquet Tiwi in
legno. On these pages: Frame
chest of drawers with wood,
metal and leather, Infinity
carpet, Tiwi wooden flooring.
Comò Frame con tre cassetti, T150 noir, struttura in metallo
bronzo chiaro, top in pelle P36 med col. 1, maniglie in ottone
brunito. Dimensioni: L160,5 x P50 x H80 cm.
Frame chest of drawers with three drawers, T150 noir, light
bronze metal structure, top with leather P36 med col. 1,
burnished brass handles. Dimensions: W160,5 x D50 x H80 cm.