Shake Design Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Shake Design: Unique modern design, page 19 of 70

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A destra: pensile bar Nu in
legno e metallo, sedia Eden
in metallo e pelle, tappeto
Diamond, parquet Cube in
legno. On the right: Nu hanging
bar unit with wood and metal,
Eden chair with metal and
leather, Diamond carpet, Cube
wooden flooring.
Sedia Eden con struttura in metallo bronzo chiaro, seduta
imbottita e rivestita in pelle P38 nabuk col. 6, schienale
imbottito e rivestito in pelle P38P nabuk stampa a pois col. 6,
retro schienale T150 noir. Dimensioni: L62,5 x P51 x H80,5
cm. Pensile bar Nu T150 noir, dettagli in metallo bronzo chiaro,
vetri bronzo, illuminazione integrata a led. Dimensioni: L250
x P35 x H80 cm.
Eden chair with light bronze metal structure, seat upholstered
with leather P38 nabuk col. 6, back upholstered with leather
P38P nabuk pois printed col. 6, backrest rear in T150 noir.
Dimensions: W62,5 x D51 x H80,5 cm. Nu hanging bar unit in
T150 noir, light bronze metal details, bronze glass, integrated
led lighting. Dimensions: W250 x H35 x H80 cm.