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Catalogue Shake Design: Unique modern design, page 14 of 70

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In queste pagine: poltrona
Hege in legno e pelle, libreria
Sahara in metallo e vetro,
specchiera Boston, lampada
da terra Weve in ottone
brunito, parquet Cube in
legno. On these pages: Hege
armchair with wood and
leather, Sahara metal and glass
bookcase, Boston mirror, Weve
floor lamp in burnished brass,
Cube wooden flooring.
Poltrona Hege, scocca in legno T151 terra, seduta e schienale
imbottiti e rivestiti in pelle P39 camoscio col. 21, gambe in
metallo bronzo chiaro. Dimensioni: L84,5 x P76 x H72 cm.
Specchiera Boston con struttura in metallo bronzo chiaro e
specchio non antico. Dimensioni: L135 x H250 cm. Lampada
da terra Weve in ottone brunito. Dimensioni: H150 cm.
Hege armchair, wooden structure in T151 terra, seat and back
upholstered with leather P39 camoscio col. 21, light bronze
metal legs. Dimensions: W84,5 x D76 x H72 cm. Boston
mirror with light bronze metal structure and not antique
mirror. Dimensions: W135 x H250 cm. Weve floor lamp in
burnished brass. Dimensions: H150 cm.