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Catalogue Shake Design: Unique modern design, page 12 of 70

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A destra: poltrona Roma con
struttura in metallo e legno,
composizione bifacciale Hege,
divano Prism in pelle, tavolini
basso e alto Noir, tavolino
rotondo Lily, tappeto Damiè,
parquet Cube in legno. On
the right: Roma armchair with
metal and wooden structure,
double sided composition
Hege, Prism sofa with leather,
Noir short and high coffee
tables, Lily round coffee table,
Damiè carpet, Cube wooden
Poltrona Roma con struttura T150 noir, schienale curvo ottone
brunito traforato, cuscino seduta in pelle P36 med col. 1,
cuscino schienale in pelle P38 nabuk col.6, gambe in metallo
bronzo chiaro. Dimensioni: L65 x P70 x H78 cm.
Roma armchair with structure in T150 noir, curved backrest
in perforated brass, seat cushion with leather P36 med col. 1,
back cushion with leather P38 nabuk col. 6, light bronze metal
legs. Dimensions: W65 x D70 x H78 cm.