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Catalogue Sevensedie: Milano 2019, page 3 of 25

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s e v e n s e d i e s t a n d a t i s a l o n i M i l a n o
t H e P r o j e c t s

The 2019 Milan furniture show has
seen once again the Modern Collection
as the protagonist, this time presented
in its entirety: the inspiring theme
of the stand, perfect for dialoguing
with the collection and current trends,
is the one of the Californian Case
Study Houses (1945-1966).

This design itinerary, embracing the greatest
American architects of the time (R. Neutra, E.
Saarinen, C. and R. Eames, P. Koenig) looks at the
two decades between 1945 and 1966 with two
specific intentions: to build low-cost modular
houses for soldiers returned from the front and to
introduce the architectural principles of the so-
called “international style”.
The Case Study Houses mainly developed
in California, in the city of Los Angeles. Buildings
with a markedly horizontal line, immersed in the
surrounding environment, characterized by large
windows and constructed with few simple materials.
The planimetry is free and open to create
a continuous connection between its ambiences
and the external green that appears to be
everywhere protagonist.
This theme is perfectly suitable for Modern
collection that comes from inspirations linked
to the same era and that finds in this architecture
the ideal surrounding and its completion.
Colors, finishes, decorations and dimensions
of the project establish a perfect dialogue with the
Modern collection products, highlighting the most
representative details and placing them in spaces
designed to get as close as possible to those of your
homes, of Today and Tomorrow.
C a s e S t u d y H o u s e n 2 0
b y R . N e u t r a
CaSe Study HouSeS