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Catalogue Seguso: Seguso catalogue custom products 2018 8310, page 8 of 39

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Seguso Vetri d’Arte illuminates the
exclusive reception of a new private
member’s club in the heart of the City of
London. A magnificent bespoke custom
made chandelier – 10 feet wide and
of contemporary style - welcomes the
guests at the grand entrance of the The
Devonshire Club. The club is an elegant
and exclusive addition to London life,
offering all the luxury and glamour of the
West End combined with the style and
panache of the East End.
Seguso Vetri d’Arte illumina la reception
del più esclusivo Club privato per
gentiluomini della City londinese, il
Devonshire Club. Un raffinato lampadario
custom di gusto contemporaneo del
diametro di 3 mt accoglie i soci di questo
nuovo circolo privato, tra i più sofisticati
e glamour del West End di Londra.