Europe Master Catalogue IX
Europe Master Catalogue IX
85 cm
43 cm
4 x E14 / 60 w
53 cm
0,27 m3
IP 44
74 cm
34 cm
3 x E14 / 60 w
34 cm
0,10 m3
IP 44
Una de las colecciones más regias y ela-
boradas de nuestro catálogo, hace justi-
cia al significado de su nombre, Bastión,
reducto fortificado que se proyecta ha-
cia el exterior de una fortaleza. Los apli-
ques son los elementos más destacados.
One of the most kingly and elaborate
collections in our catalogue, which does
justice to the meaning of his name, Bastion,
fortified redoubt which projects outwards
from a fortress. The appliques are the hi-
ghlights of the collection. Its structure is
composed of two visible different parts, on
the one hand, support plate and arm and
on the other hand fixture that simulates to
be hung from the previous item. Its orna-
mental design gives it an ideal elegance
in order to be used for outside of classical
style buildings.
Acabado: Caparazón tortuga
Finish: New Tortoise Shell
Cristal: Cristal transparente granulado
Glass: Clear Seeded