San Michele Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue San Michele: San michele catalogue day 9967, page 30 of 74

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D AY 10
Day 10
Madia 11
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IT – Una composizione completamente pensile, fondata
sull’abbinamento di volumi orizzontali e verticali, improntata su
un concetto moderno di “less is more” ma con una personalità
che suggerisce antichi ricordi di atmosfere borghesi.
EN – A fully wall-mounted composition founded on the
combination of horizontal and vertical volumes and based on
the modern concept of “less is more” yet with a personality
which hints at old memories of middle-class home atmospheres.
Day 10: frassino Natura, frassino Cotto.
Madia 11: frassino Cotto, vetro serigrafato Ovale.
Day 10: frassino Natura, frassino Cotto.
Madia 11: frassino Cotto, silkscreened glass Ovale.
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