Samoa Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Samoa: SOUND, page 10 of 29

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Divano laterale cm 190 sx e
penisola angolare con pouff dx.
Due braccioli Tune.
Un cuscino cm 50x50,
un cuscino cm 40x40 e
un cuscino cm 55x30.
190 cm left sided sofa and right sided corner
chaise with pouf. Two Tune armrests.
One 50x50 cm cushion,
one 40x40 cm cushion and
one 55x30 cm cushion.
Elementi innovativi
che diventano dettagli
distintivi. Comodità e
praticità trovano qui la
giusta espressione.
Innovative elements that become
distinctive details. Comfort and
convenience discover the right form
of expression.
sound collection