Onda sorprende per la contemporaneità del disegno
tratto da un documento tessile antico acquisito
da Rubelli: un “morbido” motivo geometrico dalle
linee sinuose su fondo chiaro. I minuscoli motivi
che riempiono il disegno con le loro varie forme e
dimensioni contribuiscono a muovere la superficie.
Realizzato con un poliestere tinto in pasta, Onda si
avvicina moltissimo ai tessuti naturali.
Onda surprises with the contemporaneity of the
design taken from an ancient textile document
acquired by Rubelli: a “soft” geometric motif with
sinuous lines on a light background. The tiny
motifs that fill the design with their various shapes
and sizes contribute to moving the surface. Made
with a solution-dyed polyester, Onda is very close
to natural fabrics.
Heavy use
100%PL flame retardant
135cm - 53”
Ver. repeat
9.5cm - 3.5”
Hor. repeat
8.5cm - 3.5”
65000 rubs
Tensile strength and tear strength
A (EN 14465)
Seam slippage
A (EN 14465)
Dimensional stability to washing
A (EN 14465)
Dimensional stability to dry cleaning
A (EN 14465)
Colour fastness to dry cleaning
A (EN 14465)
4/5 (SCALE 1-5)
Colour fastness to light
7/8 (Scale 1-8)
Colour fastness to sea water
4/5 (SCALE 1-5)
Colour fastness to chlorinated water
4/5 (SCALE 1-5)
Fire Certifications
Germany B1 DIN 4102-1, Germany B1 DIN 4102-1, UK Cigarette BS5852 source 0, UK Cigarette BS5852
source 0, UK Contract upholstery BS7176, UK Contract upholstery BS7176, UK Contract curtains
BS5867, UK Contract curtains BS5867, Italia Classe 1 Tendaggi, Italia Classe 1 Tendaggi, France M1
NFP92-503-504-505, France M1 NFP92-503-504-505, IMO 8 Upholstery, IMO 8 Upholstery, U.S.A. CAL.
TB117, U.S.A. CAL.TB117
30686-1 Avorio*
30686-2 Madreperla*
30686-3 Beige*
30686-4 Corda*
30686-5 Marrone*
30686-6 Blu*
30686-7 Mattone*
30686-8 Verde*
30686-9 Giallo*