Rubelli Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Rubelli: Catalogue 2019, page 26 of 77

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From Designers to Designers
Rubelli fabrics go beyond the ordinary in the variety of shades, weaves, decorations
and finishing processes. From the simplest canvas to velvet,
from the micro-texture to the macro jacquard, from the simple two-tone stripe to the
diagonal pattern, the shared feature of all the fabrics
is a natural appearance.
Contemporary, suitable for residential and contract use, for indoors
and outdoors, they are created by designers for designers.
I tessuti Rubelli sfuggono ai canoni dell’ordinario non solo per la varietà
delle nuances ma anche per gli intrecci, i decori, i finissaggi.
Dal più semplice canvas al velluto, dalla texture materica al macro
jacquard, dalla semplice riga bicolore al disegno diagonale, tutti i tessuti
sono accomunati da un aspetto naturale.
Contemporanei, adatti ad un uso sia residenziale che contract,
indoor e outdoor, sono creati da designers per designers.
p. 51
Rubelli 2019
p. 50
On the lef from the top:
Fiftyshades 30320/37/36/23/27