An all-round feeling
of wellbeing.
The Rolf Benz 987 models are the ideal supplement
to the Rolf Benz NUVOLA sectional sofa. The
table can be linked to the upholstered elements
and stand both between the modules and as an
addition on the end. The shelving unit provides
a handy storage surface behind the sofa. The
tops are available in solid oak or solid walnut. To
match Rolf Benz NUVOLA, the frames are available
in traffic black, umbra grey or polished chrome.
The graceful new coffee and occasional table
Rolf Benz 8770 (p. 138), with its curved supporting
metal struts, has an almost weightless appearance
despite its sculptural expressiveness, and com-
bines beautifully with the Rolf Benz NUVOLA sec-
tional sofa. The metal struts are painted in traffic
black, umbra grey or olive yellow and bonded to a
colour-coordinated glass plate or Parsol glass plate.
Rolf Benz NUVOLA
S o f a s