Care and maintenance p 423
All finishes (both through color, polish, wax and gold and silver
leaf) are applied by hand. During the time, also due to oxidation
processes or humidity or weather exposure, the final look can
change and assume different tones and shine. We therefore
recommend our customers to gather in a single order all items
destined to the same project or with the same finish. Also, we wish
to alert our customers that our items can significantly look different
between the carved parts and the flat parts – due to consumed
and antique aspects; for this very reason, our wood finishing samples
are merely indicative for the global effect of each single item.
Products are in solid wood and any direct or indirect exposure to
temperature changes, humidity, sun or water inevitably produces
the swelling or cracking of the wood. We do recommend to stock
the items in adequately ventilated areas and duly protected from
the above mentioned processes.
For cleaning procedures we suggest the use of a dry cloth, without
any chemical product or detergent which may damage the
handicraft finish of the item.