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Catalogue Riva Mobili d Arte: Sinfonie perfette, page 81 of 124

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Sinfonie Perfette
Se due, suonando in due stanze
adiacenti di due abitazioni diverse, si
trovassero fortuitamente a suonare
la stessa partitura, fossero anche
due voci di un contrappunto; ebbene,
anche in questo caso di perfetta
coincidenza, ciò non sarebbe
orchestrare, fare musica d’insieme.
If two individuals playing their
instrument in adjacent rooms
in separate homes were to find
themselves by chance playing the
same score, even if it were just two
notes on a counterpoint, this would
still not be the same as orchestrating
and making music together.
Если двое, музыцируя в двух
разных комнатах, случайно играют
одну и ту же партитуру, они могли
бы быть голосами контрапункта;
даже в этом случае абсолютной
случайности, будет звучать
гармоничная музыка.