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Catalogue Puntotre: CREATORI DI EMOZIONI 2022, page 24 of 39

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Benvenuti nel Classico del Terzo Millennio.
ART un mobile che ha il sapore
dell’esclusività e dell’eleganza di altri
tempi, pur trovandosi a suo agio anche
negli ambienti più moderni.
Caratterizzato da raffinate finiture, quali
Mogano ed Ebano, unitamente
a poter contare su finiture laccate, si
sposa con marmi preziosi come
l’Onice Miele di questa immagine.
Welcome to the Classic of the Third
ART a furniture that has the taste of
exclusivity and elegance of past times,
while being at ease even in the most
modern environments.
Characterized by refined finishes such as
mahogany and ebony, together
with being able to count on lacquered
finishes, it is combined with
precious marble such as the Onyx Honey
in this image.
Inspirations déco pour le meuble
console, avec pieds et avec de précieux
éléments décoratifs, qui caractérise
toute la collection Art de Puntotre. Il
repose contre le mur et peut être agencé
avec des éléments coordonnés et des
vasquesréalisées avec d’innovants
matériaux composites.
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