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Catalogue Presotto: News 2024, page 22 of 27

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Design Presotto Studio
Collezione Pari & Dispari composta
da: Spalle H 2270 mm a terra e
ripiani in laccato opaco Beige
Argilla, schiene in laccato opaco
Verde Timo ed essenza Noce
Canaletto. Le ante laterali L 924
mm in vetro trasparente hanno
una cornice in Metal Std. Bronzo,
all’interno ripiani in vetro trasparente
e illuminazione verticale.
Al centro i frontali sono in laccato
opaco Beige Argilla e fianchi
intermedi in Metal Std. Bronzo.
Pari & Dispari collection consisting
in: floor-mounted side elements,
H 2270 mm (89⅜"), and matt Beige
Argilla lacquered shelves, back
panels in Verde Timo lacquered
finish and Canaletto Walnut veneer.
The transparent glazed doors of the
side elements, W 924 mm (36⅜"),
mm, are finished with a frame in
Metal Std. Bronzo: transparent
glass shelves and vertical lights
complete the interior. The front
panels at the centre are lacquered
matt Beige Argilla and the partition
panels are finished in Metal Std.
Comp. P&D 02:
L 3846 H 2270 P 362
W 151⅜"H 89⅜" D 14¼"
NEWS 2024