Presotto Italy Lead time 80 days

Catalogue Presotto: News 2024, page 15 of 27

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Design Presotto Studio
Collezione Interior composta da: una
base L 2100 H 384 mm in laccato
opaco Grigio Creta, top incassato in
vetro retrolaccato Beige Argilla e gamba
in metacrilato dotata di illuminazione
LED. Boiserie divisa in due pezzi in
essenza Concrete con mensole L 450
in Metal Std. Platino e un elegante
inserto nero. A lato Teca bar L 1200 H
1152 con finitura laccato opaco Grigio
Creta e inserto in essenza Dekor Scura.
Interior collection consisting of: a
cabinet, W 2100 and H 384 mm, (W
82⅝"- H 15⅛") with matt Grigio Creta
lacquered finish, a recessed countertop
made of clay beige rear-lacquered
glass, and a Methacrylate leg provided
with LED lights. The 2-piece veneered
Concrete panelling system is provided
with shelves, W 450 mm (W17¾")
lacquered in Metal Std. Platino and an
elegant black insert. A deck storage,
W 1200 and H 1152 mm (W 47¼" - H
45⅜"), is placed on the side, with matt
Grigio Creta lacquered finish and an
insert veneered in Dark Dekor.
Comp. Interior 02:
L 3900 H 1632 P 469
W 153½" H 64¼" D 18½"
NEWS 2024