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Catalogue Potocco: General Catalogue 2021, page 8 of 174

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Home division
Contract division
Standard products
Personalized standard products
Custom made
Concepita prima di tutto per la casa, la proposta di
Potocco si rivolge contemporaneamente anche al mondo
contract. Il legame indissolubile e profondo dell’azienda
con il mondo del progetto trova infatti ulteriore espres-
sione in questo settore con progetti che spaziano a 360°
dall’hospitality al corporate, dal retail al navale.
Tre possibilità di fornitura assicurano infatti un’of-
ferta eclettica e versatile che si adatta in toto alle richieste
del cliente. Prodotti da catalogo, custom made e progetti
ad hoc rispondono con pari efficacia alle esigenze della
committenza, supportata in tutte le fasi, dall’ideazione
del progetto al servizio d’assistenza post vendita.
Home and Contract are part of our job
Designed above all for the home, Potocco’s propos-
als are also aimed at the world of contract furnishing.
The profound and indissoluble connection of the compa-
ny with the world of project furnishing finds a further ex-
pression in this sector through projects that cover the full
range of activities, from hospitality to corporate spaces,
from retail to naval.
Three possibilities of supply guarantee a versatile
and eclectic range that may be adapted completely to
the customer’s requirements. Catalogue’s products, cus-
tom-made and ad hoc projects respond with equal effec-
tiveness to the customer’s needs, supported at every stage,
from the project’s conception to the after-sales assistance.