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Catalogue POLSPOTTEN: Fall 2023, page 7 of 38

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furniture, seating
Relief Vase
Following in the footsteps of the bestselling Coral,
Shanghai and Hongkong vases by Norman Trapman, a
sturdy bunch of colorful pieces is now entering the stage.
Playful to the max, the bubbly vases of the Relief Series
aim to cause a stir wherever they go — and they’ve come
a long way already. The hand of their master has shaped
each of their little bumps by hand-blowing their entire
body into a wooden mold.

Since each has its own unique form and color, these
characters naturally participate in the fight for the right to
be different. Just let them show off their beautiful diversity
in all the places they will inhabit.

“The distinctive relief shape to which these vases owe
their name, is inspired by brutalism in architecture,
and my tribute to the work of Fritz Wotruba, a late
20-century Austrian sculptor known for dissolving
figurative components in favor of geometrical abstraction.”
– Norman Trapman, Dutch designer