Pezzani Home Collection Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Pezzani Home Collection: Catalogo Generale, page 129 of 150

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contenitore a 1 anta FLEXI,
mensola in vetro, specchio FLAT
FLEXI chest with door,
glass shelf, FLAT mirror
Dettaglio contenitore ad anta con ripiano
divisorio interno in vetro trasparente
Detail of the chest with door and
with clear glass shelf inside
Dettaglio del cassetto
Detail of the drawer
cm 40×33×37h
Contenitore ad 1 anta (destra e sinistra)
Chest with door (opening right or left)
0/510SX & 0/510DX
cm 80×33×26h
Contenitore a 2 cassetti
2 drawers chest
cm 80×33×37h
Contenitore a 2 ante
2 doors chest
cm 75×25×24h
Mensola sagomata in vetro trasparente spessore
6 mm, completa di supporti in alluminio
Shaped shelf made of toughened clear glass 6 mm
thick, aluminium shelf supports included
30 cm