All informations presented in this catalogue may be subject to modifications.
The company reserves the right to make any changes if necessary without prior notice. Partial or complete reproduction of this catalogue is prohibited.
Pulsed flux @ Tj 25°C
Most theoretical of all: the LED fed for a fraction of a second when cool, it gives the best lumen emission ever possible.
DC flux @ Tj 85°C
Still a nominal value: the LED (itself, in plain air, not mounted within any fixture) normally fed at a given current.
Delivered (real or actual) flux (or lumens)
The actual “quantity of light” generated by the luminaire: what is measured by the photo-cell in our laboratory and by a luxmeter on the field.
«L» The “L” parameter fixes the percentage of the light flux falling referred to the hours of operation.
«B» The “B” parameter fixes the percentage of LEDs that will not keep up with the features of light flux fixed by the parameter “L”, hence it shows the percenta-
ge of LEDs that will produce less light, but that will not completely shut down.
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING expresses B10 value synonymous with top quality electronic components, considering technical values C and F included, in line
with the lighting sector trends.
«C» The percentage value of LEDs that cease to function after the number of hours (expressed in thousand’s) given by the luminaire manufacturer.
«F» Fixes the percentage of damages or imperfections of the LEDs and defines, next to the percentage of components that do not keep the features of the
declared (B) also the percentage of dead LED components.
Rate of imperfection “F” = value “B” + value “C”
Theos L80B10 @ 60.000 h
Within 20 years (60.000 h @ 8 h / day):
«L» => all of the LEDs will averagely make 20% less lumens.
«B» => 10% of the LEDs are expected to have either lost more than 20% lumens (the value indicated by L) or be out of order.
The fixtures showed in the upcoming pages are under constant LED upgrade.
Please visit our web site for the lastest updated versions available.