Patrizia Garganti Italy Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Patrizia Garganti: Baga Contemporary Catalogue, page 46 of 324

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baga 2354 lampadario 12 luci, fi nitura piombo,
paralumi in PVC, pendenti in metacrilato nero, cristalli
trasparenti e neri.
12 lights chandelier, leaden fi nish, PVC shades,
black methacrilate, black and clear crystals.
Dim. cm. ø115 - H. min. 112 - E14 40W
 289
 294
pag.  292
 290
 59
 61
 171
 49
2350 oro - gold
2351 argento - silver
2352 nichel - nikel
2353 avorio - ivory
2354 piombo - leaden
2355 rosso-red