Patrizia Garganti Italy Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Patrizia Garganti: Baga Contemporary Catalogue, page 134 of 324

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baga CR52 sospensione 1 luce, fi nitura nichel,
paralume in tessuto rosso arricciato, pendenti in
metacrilato nero e cristalli trasparenti.
1 light pendent, nikel fi nish, red goffered fabric
shade, black methacrilate and clear crystals.
Dim. cm. ø18 - H. 165 - E14 40W
baga CR51 sospensione 1 luce, fi nitura nichel,
paralume in PVC, pendenti e cristalli trasparenti.
1 light pendent, nikel fi nish, PVC shade, clear crystals.
Dim. cm. ø18 - H.
- E14 40W