La seduta imbottita di Slang garantisce
un alto grado di comfort, rivestimento
in pelle nei colori moda di grande
The upholstered seat of the Slang stool
guarantees high confort sitting. Soft
leather covering seat is presented in
fashion and trendy colours.
Design: Studio Ozeta
Sgabello S560 SLANG Struttura MT90 Rivestimento P19 - Stool S560 SLANG Structure MT90 Covering P19 - Hocker S560 SLANG Struktur
MT90 Besichtigung P19 - Tabouret S560 SLANG Structure MT90 Revêtement P19 - Taburete S560 SLANG Estructura MT90 Tapizado P19 -
Барный стул S560 SLANG Структура MT90 Обивка P19.
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