Tavolo T233 OPERA Struttura MT61 Piano ML92 / Sedia S309 PREMIERE Rivestimento EP51 / Libreria X026 BYBLOS Struttura X02 - Table T233
OPERA Structure MT61 Top ML92 / Chair S309 PREMIERE Covering EP51 / Bookcase X026 BYBLOS Structure X02 - Table T233 OPERA Structure
MT61 Plateau ML92 / Chaise S309 PREMIERE Revêtement EP51 / Bibliothèque X026 BYBLOS Structure X02 - Tisch T233 OPERA Untergestell
MT61 Platte Ml92 / Stuhl S309 PREMIERE Bezug EP51 / Buchregal X026 BYBLOS Untergestell X02 - Mesa T233 OPERA Estructura MT61 Sobre
ML92 / Silla S309 PREMIERE Tapizado Ep51 / Libreria X026 BYBLOS Estructura X02 - Стол T233 OPERA Структу́ра MT61 Топ ML92 /
Стул S309 PREMIERE Оббивка EP51 / Библиотека X026 BYBLOS Структу́ра X02.
Design: Marco Pozzoli/Giacomo Mauri
An elegant structure presented in
faceted shapes, to make the visual
impact of the product lighter and
lighter. Glass or ceramic top. stressless,
scratchproof and heat resistant.
Una struttura disegnata in eleganti
forme rastremate e sfaccettate per
alleggerire l’impatto visivo del pro-
realizzati in cristallo o ceramica “anti-
stress” resistenti al graffio, all’abrasione
e al calore.
dida ok OZZIO CAT 17 tavoli 8.qxp_Layout 1 13/12/17 16:35 Pagina 110