Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Materico Cotto, melaminico Tortora,
melaminico Salvia
⁄ Cotto wood melamine, Tortora
melamine, Salvia melamine
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Basi sospese Prisma H 368 P 474 mm
apertura Push–Pull, casellario Cube
a giorno, pensili H 552 P 346 mm
apertura Push–Pull, pannelli con
mensole P 328 mm ⁄ Prisma wall
mounted base units H 368 D 474 mm
with Push–Pull opening system, Cube
open compartment, wall units H 552
D 346 mm with Push–Pull opening,
wall panels with shelves D 328 mm
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 3300 × H 1840 P ⁄ D 250-350-480 mm
[it] Questa soluzione
giorno comunica un mood
raffinato ed elegante
e si contraddistingue
per l’utilizzo di volumi dalle
forme inclinate e lineari,
adatte ad ogni stile di vita.
[e n] This day solution
communicates a refined
and elegant mood and
is characterized by the use
of volumes with inclined
and linear shapes, suitable
for any lifestyle.
Day 12
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 94
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 94
09/09/20 14:43
09/09/20 14:43