Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Materico Rovere, dekor Canapa,
melaminico Dalia
⁄ Rovere wood melamine,
Canapa dekor, Dalia melamine
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Basi a terra H 296 P 474 mm con
apertura Push–Pull, consolle sp. 50 mm
P 480 mm, spalla sospesa
sovrapposta P 346 mm ⁄ Base units
H 296 D 474 mm with Push–Pull
opening system, consolle th. 50 mm
D 480 mm, suspended and overlying
bookcase D 346 mm
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 3300 × H 2112 P ⁄ D 480-346 mm
[it] Anche la libreria può
trasformarsi in un oggetto
sospeso, libero da vincoli
a terra, per sfruttare al
meglio la conformazione
dell’ambiente in cui si
[e n] Even the bookcase
can be transformed into
a suspended object free
from ground constraints
to make the most of
the conformation of the
environment in which it is
Day 27
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 216
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 216
09/09/20 14:49
09/09/20 14:49