Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Materico Rovere, melaminico
Seta, dekor Bronzo ⁄ Rovere
wood melamine, Seta melamine,
Bronzo dekor
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Libreria a spalla P 346 mm con ante
battenti apertura Push–Pull, spalla
con vano TV con anta a ribalta
apertura Push–Pull ⁄ Shoulder
bookcase D 346 mm with Push–Pull
hinged doors, TV compartment
bookcase with folding door and
Push–Pull opening system
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 3630 × H 2243 P ⁄ D 346 mm
[it] Dalle tonalità tenui
ed armoniose questa
soluzione living si propone
di unire la libreria all’utilizzo
della televisione in un
unico elemento d’arredo,
compatto e funzionale.
[e n] With its soft and
harmonious shades,
this living solution aims
to combine the library
with the use of television
in a single piece of
furniture, compact and
Day 26
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 208
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 208
09/09/20 14:49
09/09/20 14:49