Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Materico Ossidato, melaminico
Tortora ⁄ Ossidato wood melamine,
Tortora melamine
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Libreria a spalla con ante Daly vetro
trasparente serigrafato rigato
P 346 mm, ponte a spalla P 346 mm,
base a terra H 276 P 474 mm apertura
Push–Pull ⁄ Shoulder bookcase with
Rigato silk-screened transparent glass
Daly door D 346 mm, bridge unit
D 346 mm, base unit H 276 D 474 mm
with Push–Pull opening system
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 3930 × H 2610 P ⁄ D 480-346 mm
[it] La libreria veste
la parete e diventa
protagonista di un
ambiente curato anche
se segnato dal tempo,
unendo innovazione
e ricordi in un nuovo
concetto di moderno.
[e n] The bookcase dresses
the wall and becomes the
protagonist of a refined
environment even if
marked by time, combining
innovation and memories
in a new concept of
Day 24
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 190
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 190
09/09/20 14:48
09/09/20 14:48