Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Materico Cotto, melaminico Platino
e Curcuma ⁄ Cotto wood melamine,
Platino and Curcuma melamine
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Basi sospese H 276 P 474 mm
con maniglia Filo, pannelli a muro
con mensole P 268 mm, pensili
con anta battente P 350 mm, pannello
a muro ⁄ Wall mounted base units
H 276 D 474 mm with Filo handle,
wall panels with shelves D 268 mm,
wall units with hinged doors
D 350 mm, wall panel
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 3600 × H 1750 P ⁄ D 250-350-480 mm
[it] Un attento studio
di volumi e finiture
creano un’atmosfera
sobria e fresca,
conservando funzionalità
di contenimento
e organizzazione
dell’ambiente giorno.
[e n] A careful study
of volumes and finishes
create a sober and fresh
atmosphere, preserving
the functionality of
containment and
organization of the
living room.
Day 02
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 13
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 13
09/09/20 14:40
09/09/20 14:40