Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Materico Rovere, melaminico Platino
⁄ Rovere wood melamine, Platino
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Basi sospese H 276 P 474 mm
con apertura Push–Pull, pannelli
con mensole P 328 mm, pensili
con ante vetro Daly H 276 P 350 mm
⁄ Wall mounted base units H 276
D 474 mm with Push–Pull opening
system, wall panels with shelves
D 328 mm, wall units with Daly glass
doors H 276 D 350 mm
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 2700 × H 1760 P ⁄ D 270-350-480 mm
[it] Ordine, ritmo
e proporzione vengono
espressi tramite la
combinazione di nuovi
materiali e finiture, e mirano
a creare un ambiente
equilibrato e rasserenante.
[e n] Order, rhythm and
proportion are expressed
through the combination
of new materials and
finishes, and aim to create
a balanced and soothing
Day 16
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 124
Orme – Light collection, Day.indd 124
09/09/20 14:45
09/09/20 14:45