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Catalogue Nardi: Sunday Catalogue 2023, page 24 of 27

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Sunbrella® acrylic fabric
grigio Sunbrella® .136
275 gr/m2
100% fibra acrilica Sunbrella® tinto in massa. Trattamento idrorepellente,
antimacchia, antimuffa. Solidità alla luce 8/8. Lavabile a 40°- 100% Sunbrella®
acrylic fiber mass dyed. Water repellent treatment, dirt repellent and anti-
mould treatment. 8/8 light fastness. Washable at 40° - 100% fibre acrylique
Sunbrella® teintée en masse. Traitement imperméable, anti-taches et anti-
moisissure. Résistance à la lumière 8/8. Lavable à 40° - 100% fasergefärbtes
Sunbrella® Polyacryl. Wasserabweisend Ausrüstung, gegen Flecken und
Schimmel ausgerüstet. Lichtechtheit 8/8. Waschbar bei 40° - 100% fibra
acrílica Sunbrella® tintada en masa. Tratamiento por la repelencia al agua,
protecion antimanchas, antimoho. Solidez a la luz 8/8. Lavable a 40° - 100%
fibra acrílica Sunbrella® tingida em massa. Tratamento hidrorepelente,
antimancha e antimofo. Resistência à luz 8/8. Lavável a 40° - %100 akrilik
elyaf Sunbrella® çözelti halindeyken boyanmış. Su itici, leke itici, küf önleyici
ile muamele edilmiş. Işık haslığı 8/8. 40°de yıkanabilir - 100% акриловое
волокно Sunbrella®, окрашенное в массе. Водоотталкивающая, пятноустойчивая и
противоплесневая обработка. Светостойкость 8/8. Стирать при 40°.
cuscino darsena - acquamarina
Poliuretano espanso. Densità 28 kg/m3 - Polyurethane foam. Density 28 kg/
m3 - Mousse polyuréthane. Densité 28 kg/m3 - Polyurethanschaum. Dichte 28
kg/m3 - Espuma de poliuretano. Densidad 28 kg/m3 - Espuma de poliuretano.
Densidade 28 kg/m3 - Poliüretan köpük. Yoğunluk 28 kg/m3.
Пенополиуретан. Плотность 28 кг/м³.
100% Olefin fabric
bianco .155
190 gr/m2
caffè .165
190 gr/m2
100% Olefin tinto in massa. Trattamento antimacchia, antimuffa. Solidità
alla luce 7/8. Lavabile a 40° - 100% Olefin mass dyed. Dirt repellent and an-
ti-mould treatment. 7/8 light fastness. Washable at 40° - 100% Olefin teintée
en masse. Traitement anti-taches et anti-moisissure. Résistance à la lumière
7/8. Lavable à 40° - 100% fasergefärbtes Olefin. Gegen Flecken und Schim-
mel Ausrüstung. Lichtechtheit 7/8. Waschbar bei 40° - 100% Olefin tintada
en masa. Protecion antimanchas, antimoho. Solidez a la luz 7/8. Lavable a
40° - 100% Olefin tingida em massa. Tratamento antimancha e antimofo. Re-
sistência à luz 7/8. Lavável a 40° - %100 Olefin çözelti halindeyken boyanmış.
Leke itici, küf önleyici ile muamele edilmiş. Işık haslığı 7/8. 40°de yıkanabil-
ir - 100% Olefin, окрашенный в массе. Пятноустойчивая и противоплесневая обработка.
Светостойкость 7/8. Стирать при 40°.
synthetic fabric
bianco .108
tela 2x2
beige .115
tela 2x2
tortora .124
tela 2x2
blu .112
tela 2x2
trama caffè .117
trama antracite .116
Tessuto in filo di poliestere rivestito in pvc - Fabric is made of a polyester
fiber, with a pvc coating - Tissu en fil de polyester revêtu de pvc - Gewebe aus
PVC-ummantelten Polyesterfasern - Tejido en hilo de poliester recubierto
de pvc - Tecido de fibra polyester com cobertura pvc - PVC kaplı polyester
elyaf tekstil - Ткань из полиэфирных нитей с покрытием из ПВХ.
smoke .204
205 gr/m2
Cover fabric
56% poliestere e 44% poliuretano. Trattamento idrorepellente, antimacchia,
antimuffa e antibatterico. Solidità alla luce 7/8. Lavabile a 95° con deter-
gente neutro - 56% polyester and 44% polyurethane. The treatment makes
the coating: water repellent, and resistant to staining, resistant to mold and
antibacterial. 7/8 light fastness. Washable at 95° with neutral detergent -
56% polyester et 44% polyuréthane. Traitement imperméable, anti-taches,
anti-moisissures et antibactérien. Résistance à la lumière 7/8. Lavable à 95°
avec un détergent neutre - 56% Polyester und 44% Polyurethan. Wasse-
rabweisend, gegen Flecken und Schimmelbildung ausgerüstet und antiba-
kteriell. Lichtechtheit 7/8. Waschbar bei 95° mit Neutralwaschmittel - 56%
poliéster y 44% poliuretano. Tratamiento para repeler el agua, antiman-
chas, antimoho y antibacteriano. Solidez a la luz 7/8. Lavable a 95° con
detergente neutro - 56% de poliéster e 44% poliuretano. Tratamento hi-
drorepelente, antimancha, antimofo e antibacteriano. Resistência à luz 7/8.
Lavável a 95° com detergente neutro - % 56 polyester ve % 44 poliüretan.
Su Geçirmez Uygulama,kir tutmaz ve küf önleyici uygulama, antibakteriyel
uygulama. Işık haslığı 7/8. Naturel deterjanla 95°de yıkanabilir - 56% полиэстер
и 44% полиуретан. типы обработки: водоталкивающая,пятноталкивающая,плесеньотал
кивающая, и антибактериальная устойчивость к. Светостойкость 7/8. Можно стирать при
95 ° с нейтральным моющим средством.
coated aluminium
verniciato bianco .53
verniciato antracite .52
verniciato tortora .59
verniciato caffè .57
La verniciatura è a polvere di poliestere - The painting is with polyester pow-
der - La peinture est à poudre de polyester - Die Epoxierung erfolgt mit Polye-
sterpulver - El pintado se realiza con polvo de poliéster - O pó de poliester è
usado para envernizar - Boyası polyester tozla yapılır - Окраска производится при
помощи порошкового полиэстера.