Baba Lounge, art. PBB1
Divenuta in poco tempo un’icona per la
collezione MyHome, Baba è una famiglia di
sedute “tutta curve” il cui fulcro progettuale
si gioca sul contrasto tra la struttura in
tubolare di metallo e le due imbottiture, seduta
e schienale, che consentono i più diversi
abbinamenti cromatici. L’ispirazione proviene
dalla moda e in particolare dall’abbigliamento
tribale in cui la vivacità dei colori giocano
un ruolo strategico.
A model that has quickly become an icon
for the MyHome collection, the family of seats
Baba is “all curves,” in a design that plays with
the contrast between the structure in metal
tubing and the two padded parts – seat and back
– that permit all sorts of color combinations.
The inspiration comes from fashion, and
especially tribal dress where colors play
a strategic role.
art. SBB1
sedia ⁄ chair
L ⁄ W 53 H 68 P ⁄ D 57 cm
H seduta 45 cm
W 20,9” H 26,8” D 22,4”
H seat 17,7”
Baba Lounge
art. PBB1
poltrona ⁄ armchair
L ⁄ W 53 H 65 P ⁄ D 57 cm
H seduta 42 cm
W 20,9” H 25,6” D 22,4”
H seat 16,5”
Baba Stool
art. SBB63
sgabello ⁄ stool
L ⁄ W 52 H 87 P ⁄ D 51 cm
H seduta 63 cm
W 20,5” H 34,2” D 20”
H seat 24,8”
Baba Stool
art. SBB76
sgabello ⁄ stool
L ⁄ W 52 H 100 P ⁄ D 51 cm
H seduta 75 cm
W 20,5” H 39,4” D 20”
H seat 29,5”
designed by Serena Confalonieri
chair, armchair, stool
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Baba Lounge, art. PBB1
A model that has quickly become an icon
for the MyHome collection, the family of seats
Baba is “all curves,” in a design that plays with
the contrast between the structure in metal
tubing and the two padded parts – seat and back
– that permit all sorts of color combinations.
The inspiration comes from fashion, and
especially tribal dress where colors play
a strategic role.
Baba Stool
art. SBB76
sgabello ⁄ stool
L ⁄ W 52 H 100 P ⁄ D 51 cm
H seduta 75 cm
W 20,5” H 39,4” D 20”
H seat 29,5”
designed by Serena Confalonieri
chair, armchair, stool
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