Alessandro Stabile
044 Cot
022 Riquadra
178 Vinnie
086 Betty
114 Boogie
122 Carmen
082 Clou
074 Cocktail
112 Cocoon
140 Dub
028 Free–Style
064 Jolie
118 Kom
048 Ladybug
036 Lullaby
192 Mek
200 Mise
078 Pretty
134 Twiggy
020 Weekend
136 Wilma
142 Zazu
Bruno Rainaldi
068 Container
La propensione a cogliere il talento prima
della firma è un carattere distintivo per MyHome
che ben si concilia e traduce con un’idea molto
precisa di direzione artistica e commerciale.
MyHome ha scelto, infatti, di collaborare
al contempo con designer giovani e con
professionisti esperti nel mondo dell’arredo
e del design. Si è mostrata aperta e fiduciosa
a sperimentare personalità talvolta molto
differenti tra loro, eclettiche e vivaci, in grado
di affrontare con guizzo il progetto sviluppato.
MyHome ha occhi attenti anche verso talentuosi
designer internazionali a dimostrazione dello
spirito cosmopolita verso cui l’azienda si
dirige da sempre.
The tendency to recognize talent rather than
just a signature is a distinctive characteristic
of MyHome, which translates into a very precise
idea of art direction, reconciled with commercial
development. MyHome, in fact, has chosen
to work simultaneously with young designers
and highly acclaimed professionals in the world
of furniture and design. The company has an
open, experimental approach through which
to collaborate with personalities at times quite
different from one another, eclectic and lively
talents capable of developing novel solutions
through flashes of intuition. MyHome keep an
eye on the most talented international designers,
reflecting the cosmopolitan spirit that has always
been one of the brand’s key characteristics.
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Alessandro Stabile
044 Cot
022 Riquadra
178 Vinnie
086 Betty
114 Boogie
122 Carmen
082 Clou
074 Cocktail
112 Cocoon
140 Dub
028 Free–Style
064 Jolie
118 Kom
048 Ladybug
036 Lullaby
192 Mek
200 Mise
078 Pretty
134 Twiggy
020 Weekend
136 Wilma
142 Zazu
Bruno Rainaldi
068 Container
C03 Studio
190 Konan
Elena Salmistraro
056 Belte
090 Lok
Enrico Cesana
162 Bebop
062 Knit
076 Marrakech
216 Sleepway
052 Softly
106 Softly One
Fabio Bortolani
108 Babele
206 Onda
030 Tetris
Federica Biasi
152 Cloe
150 Oku
176 Bend
196 Dress
182 Long Island
Giulio Iacchetti
210 Arcom
158 Aronte
Lorenzo Palmeri
102 Bulè
Massimiliano Di Domenico
204 Face
146 Esquina
128 Larsen
184 Ziggy
Radice Orlandini
042 Bag
038 Baloo
040 Hug
Serena Confalonieri
168 Baba
166 Ula
Studio Lido
096 Chemise
The tendency to recognize talent rather than
just a signature is a distinctive characteristic
of MyHome, which translates into a very precise
idea of art direction, reconciled with commercial
development. MyHome, in fact, has chosen
to work simultaneously with young designers
and highly acclaimed professionals in the world
of furniture and design. The company has an
open, experimental approach through which
to collaborate with personalities at times quite
different from one another, eclectic and lively
talents capable of developing novel solutions
through flashes of intuition. MyHome keep an
eye on the most talented international designers,
reflecting the cosmopolitan spirit that has always
been one of the brand’s key characteristics.
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