Moretti Compact Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Moretti Compact: Young Collection 2017, page 17 of 93

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La libertà di progetto delle armadiature Moretti Compact
si apprezza in particolare nel terminale Liberty (larghezza
60 cm) che si distingue per essere suddiviso per metà in
armadio e per metà in libreria. E’ composto da un modulo
attrezzabile con ripiani e tubi appendiabito. Con l’anta chiusa
rimane a vista solo la parte terminale munita di mensole e
comodo appendiabiti cromato. Una soluzione originale per
caratterizzare l’armadio con un dettaglio di autentico pregio
artigianale per completare in modo estremamente piacevole

The freedom of design in the Moretti Compact wardrobe
range can be particularly appreciated in the Liberty end element
(width 60 cm), distinctive as it has been divided in half to
become half-wardrobe and half-bookshelf. It is composed of
a unit that can be accessorised with shelves and hanging rails.
When the door is closed, only the end part fi tted with shelves
and handy chrome-plated hanging rail remains visible. An
original solution that distinguishes the wardrobe, in the form
of an exquisite genuine bespoke detail designed to fi nish off
the environment with a touch of class.